Crosses, Rooi Els

Today we had the sea to ourselves! Not sure where the other divers were, but they certainly missed out. We had a fantastic dive at Crosses – the sea was flat with a slight swell and visibility was approximately 8 metres.

After kitting up in the car park at the top of the cliff, we took a gentle stroll through beautiful scenery down a path to the rocks. The dive site starts in a gully where an easy but well-timed entry is required. We were followed on our dive by two very inquisitive Cape Fur Seals, one of which took a liking to Kate’s yellow fins!

There were loads of puff adder shy sharks patrolling the crevices between the rocks and in many places the walls were covered with redbait. We also discovered a Hotlips Spider Crab, extremely well camouflaged against a wall of kelp, soft corals and elegant feather stars. This was an exciting find as they are very well camouflaged and often overlooked. Unfortunately, our dive time was finally up and we had to say “goodbye” to our seal companions. This was probably our last “Eastern Side” dive until next Summer!


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